Welcome to

Leaps of Imagination

We teach young people to see the world as an integrated whole. Leaps’ artists team up with elementary school children for hands-on programs rooted in innovative educational practice. Whether improvising with art mediums or making discoveries in nature, kids go deep. They search for connections. With imaginations soaring in extended blocks of time, they design complex works of art. Once kids have made a creative breakthrough in Leaps of Imagination, they realize that they can change the world.

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our vision

Our teaching changes the way children think.  

With art as a portal to connected thinking, Leaps’ mentor artists bring a new teaching paradigm to school. We interweave art into a real-world context. We give thinking more time. We teach kids to work collaboratively as artists and caretakers of the Earth.  

The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind—creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers and meaning makers.
— DANIEL PINK , author

our programs

We teach kids to cross boundaries.

We believe in a holistic way of teaching. Learning in Leaps of Imagination means looking beyond borders for intersections. It means that reading, writing, and making scientific observations happen within the context of the same project. Our learners are explorers and artists who turn their investigations into compelling works of art.


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